7 Signs You are Ready to Build a New Home

As a residential builder, we certainly believe that choosing to build a custom or semi-custom home affords the greatest opportunity for obtaining the ideal home. That being said, we also understand that the new construction route may not be the right fit for every buyer. How do you decide if you are the “building type?” See if the following points describe you:
1. You have realistic expectations.
Building the perfect home involves setting priorities. You are prepared to make choices about where to invest more and where to cut back, you are willing to consider alternatives, and you know some things may have to come off your list entirely. You have a solid understanding of what is realistic for you and your budget, as well as what makes sense for the neighborhood in which you plan to build.
2. You prefer a new home.
Being a first owner and getting what you want from the start is a top priority. Your first thought is, “I don’t want to inherit someone else’s problems, outdated finishes, or sloppy remodel work.”
3. You hate surprises.
Older homes have their charm, but often come with hidden problems that even a home inspector can miss. You prefer knowing exactly what you are getting, avoiding unpleasant and often costly surprises.
4. You’ve set a budget and have done your financial homework.
You’ve studied the market and have a good idea of what you can afford. You realize that cost of building a new home is often equal to or greater than buying a pre-owned home, but you appreciate the control that new construction allows.
5. You have a clear idea of what you want and where you want it.
You have been looking at houses for awhile–both new-build model homes and existing homes. You know what you want in a home and a neighborhood, but you haven’t found an existing home that checks off enough of your boxes. You don’t want to settle.
6. You love the idea of a new neighborhood.
You like starting fresh and find being in on the ground floor of a new community incredibly appealing.
7. You have a builder in mind.
You’ve been thinking about building a new home for some time now, and have started researching home builders. You understand that the ultimate success of your construction project depends upon choosing the right builder–one with the expertise and ingenuity that comes with years of experience in the construction industry.