Organize Your Home with Our Back-to-School Checklist

Summer is almost over and it’s time to think about going back to school. Keeping things organized with all the backpacks, jackets, schoolbooks, and band instruments can seem daunting. Many parents welcome fresh ideas for storing their kid’s gear and cutting down on the “where is my…?” stress each morning.
So, to help you stay organized this school year, here are 10 ways that you can customize your house and start the year off right!
1. Organize the Kitchen
Set aside designated areas for lunchboxes and plastic containers. Place after-school snacks in a separate cabinet. You can also use this opportunity to organize your other cabinets and clean out the refrigerator freezer. A custom kitchen allows for as much storage as you need.
2. The Coat Closet
Identify a closet nearest the front door for coats, umbrellas, gloves, and hats. Consider adding shelving for boots and other essentials needed when going outdoors
3. Designate a “locker” for each child’s belongings.
Whether its a shelf, a closet, or a hook, give each of your children a place to put their backpacks and other school gear. Getting the clutter under control is the first step in organizing your home.
4. Organize your laundry room.
It can drastically reduce the time needed to deal with laundry when your workspace is ergonomic and efficient. The ideal laundry room has cabinets for storage, a counter for folding and a rack for hanging clothes straight from the drier.
5. Customize your home with extra bathroom storage.
Adequate bathroom storage is a must for teenagers. Make sure there are plenty of cabinets and consider adding task lighting to the room. Don’t forget to put in plenty of outlets.
6. Tackle your kids’ rooms and closets.
Adding shelving can help reduce room clutter. You might also consider putting a desk near their window so they have a place to do homework and plenty of natural light.
7. Customize your home by adding a playroom.
If you have younger children, think about adding an extra room or finishing a basement for use as a playroom. Keep the toys and the noise contained, and when they’ve grown, you can always repurpose the area for yourself.
8. Designate a place to do homework.
We mentioned putting a desk in their bedrooms, but you could also use a kitchen bar or table as a designated “work zone.” Pick a spot that is relatively free from distractions and noise.
9. Keep track of the library books.
Those fines can add up so you might want to consider adding built-in shelves to your custom home either in the den or the bedrooms and then designate a spot for library books.
10. Plan for family time.
Once school starts, life gets a bit hectic. Make a point of having a neutral space where the family can come together and connect. A finished basement or den is perfect for family activities.